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Airline Adds New Fleet of Eco Friendly Planes

Traveling by plane often comes with an unavoidable environmental toll.

Planes take a lot of energy to get into the air, which in turn causes significant quantities of carbon emissions. This can be considered a necessary evil for those who have a touch of wanderlust.

However, fear not because a Spanish airline, Air Nostrum, has just ordered 10 eco-friendly aircrafts that are expected to get off the ground in 2026.

This specific type of plane is called the Airlander 10, a hybrid aircraft, created by UK based Hybrid Air Vehicles (HAV) which according to the Airlander website is “a unique combination of low emissions, fuel burn, noise, and operating costs.”

According to a recent announcement by HAV, the addition of the aircrafts to the company’s fleet, will cut emissions by 90%.

Before contracting to add to their fleet, Air Nostrom conducted six months of studies.

Carlos Bertomeu, Air Nostrum President, says, “The Airlander 10 will drastically reduce emissions and for that reason we have made this agreement with HAV.”

The Airlander 10 is the flight travel of the future.

While also being environmentally friendly the interior of the aircraft is considered incredibly spacious, allowing for significantly more elbow room.

Seasoned flyers will know that extra room in air travel is a rare blessing that many don’t experience.

The Airlander will fly at around 20,000 feet, lower than a normal flight’s 31,000-38,000 feet.

This green airline innovation may just be the very thing to shock the aviation industry and change air travel and its carbon footprint forever.

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